Because questions have arisen concerning payment of union fees, the receivers wish to inform IF Metal’s members that all fees have been deducted from salaries in due order. This is also specified on your salary slips.
The salary guarantee is limited to a period of eight months. This means that the salary guarantee comes to an end for the majority of employees on the last day of June 2012, even if the maximum amount of SEK 171 200 has not been reached.
In a large number of income statements, information concerning taxable benefit was incorrect. This applies primarily to salaried employees. Corrections from SAAB’S salary office are on their way. All employees will also receive a letter with information regarding this. You should, therefore, wait before signing your tax return until the letter or the correction from the salary office has been received. If your tax return has already been signed and the information in your income statement turns out to be incorrect, it is possible to correct it afterwards. Information regarding this can be found in the brochure which accompanied your tax return.
The receivers have reached over 500 decisions regarding guaranteed salaries for salaried employees over the past weekend. The County Administration Board has receieved the decisions and will begin to pay remaining salaries and holiday pay this week. Severance pay will be paid when the County Administration Board has received the Declaration form from employees, see information regarding final salaries etc from 20 February on the receivers' website.
Employees will get their decision by post at the start of the weeks and Saab's salary department will be informed of the final day for receipt of the salary guarantee. The salary department will issue statements of employment by post to the employees.
In respect of the number of employees, the insolvencies in Saab Automobile AB and Saab Automobile Powertrain AB are the most extensive in modern time. The receivers have chosen, since the companies were taken into receivership, to prioritise the protective legislation, which applies to the employees, including payment of the state salary guarantee. The receivers are working intensively to finalise the material for the County Administration Board for payment of salary guarantee funds for January 2012, amongst other months.
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Information on payment of salary guarantee for salaried employees (January 2012)